Thursday, July 2, 2009

Laura's Recovery

Hello! We haven't posted for a while, so I just thought I'd update on our family. First of all, Laura is doing well. She was able to go to cheer camp and her pick line was taken out. A few weeks ago, she felt like she was coughing up liquid, so my mom decided to not take any chances and take her to the doctor. As it turns out, she got pneumonia again, so she was put back on antibiotics. The doctors are now looking at causes for her sicknesses, and right now, they're looking at her asthma and allergies. Below are some picture of her at cheer camp, and then her at Youth Conference to prove that she is alive and thriving.

Maybe some don't know, and maybe some do, but Brooke is actually a cheer coach for the Hunter High cheerleaders. She goes with Laura to every practice, barking at the cheerleaders to run two miles (just kidding.... well... kind of) and, well, coaches. Here they are at cheer camp.
Laura is looking away, second from the left.
Here's the team after they won the spirit stick.
Beginning formations...
Left to Right: Alex, Alex, and Laura

I got this picture in our back yard and just wanted to post it. Pretty, huh? Think I have the makings of a photographer?
Here's more proof that Laura is alive. Here we are at Moab, Utah for Youth Conference. Even though Laura looks like she's going to pass out, I just caught her by surprise with this picture.

1 comment:

Kaeloni said...

I'm glad that she got better and was able to go to cheer camp! But again!!! Poor girl! Hope she gets better and stays that way!

Our Family

Our Family
What a good lookin' bunch we are!

About Us

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We are a family of 7. We have a mother, a father, and five kids. We enjoy family activities, traveling, and friends.
