Saturday, December 27, 2008


We hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Ours was fun, interesting, and memorable. But then again all of our holidays, birthdays, and special occasions are with our family. ;)

Here are some pictures from when we went to the Zoo Lights. They were really cool!

(left-right: Laura, Brooke, Alex, Ron, Mom/Cathy, Rachel)

(On the Merry-Go-round! Weee!)

Then, of course we have the pictures with Santa :)

(Alex & Santa)

(Santa & Laura)

(Santa & me, Rachel)

(Brooke & Santa)

Fun in the snow!

For our family party we went bowling. Here's some pictures of that...

(Dad/Randy & Alex)

(Me & Alex, Laura's frined Casey, & my uncle Jeff.)

(Ron & Laura gettin' their bowl on)

Now of course, Christmas Eve's candle light dinner. (A family tradition. We always have clam chowder, shrimp, and candles.)

(Closest on the left to closest on the right: Laura, Brooke, Alex, Rachel, Mom/Cathy, & Ron, Dad's taking the picture.)

Here are some videos of us when we were making a ginger bread house with Alex. He called it a "Cookie Temple." ???

We had a great Christmas, and hope you did as well! I guess all that's left to say is Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Our Family

Our Family
What a good lookin' bunch we are!

About Us

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We are a family of 7. We have a mother, a father, and five kids. We enjoy family activities, traveling, and friends.
