Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but here we have some pictures of this lovely December we just finished up. Enjoy!
Here are a few of my friends and I at The Festival of Trees. Our school's Concert Choir performed there.
(Ignore my face, please) Here we are making our Gingerbread House!

Here's Temple Square!

And fooling around with the camera at Temple Square...



Me, Rachel

Left to right: Laura, Brooke, and me

The beautiful Salt Lake Temple, and the not-so-beautiful Utah air.

Blurry Momma


Here we have Alex fighting for a spot on Santa's lap.

Alex and the Santa that makes baloon animals and drives a lime green VW Bug.

Alex got a truck from Santa!

Alex got this bike and the amazing outfit for Christmas!

Don't forget the helmet!

Oh yeah, that's a scary football/chef.

Christmas morning. Can you tell that we played Guitar Hero until quarter to 3 am?

Christmas breakfast: Apple French Toast and Sticky Buns!

Jeff and Sarah have gone rogue!

The girls at the Sylvester Christmas party during White Elephant.

Me giving Connor a wet willy!

Yeah, this present got passed around a lot!

Alex got a cooking set for Christmas, so here he is putting it to use with Brooke.

Here's what they made!!!
New Year's Eve with Alex, Trey, and Connor.
We hope you had a happy season, and happy New Year's!!!